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Karolina Kolodzinska

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13 Apr 2020
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Hey there! My name is Karolina. I always wanted to do something for cancer charity. I was only 12 years old when my mum was diagnosed with brain cancer. She had extensive surgery and only partially recovered from it. About 3 years ago my godmother was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a full mastectomy. Thankfully, now she is fully recovered. My grandma and grand auntie also had cancer and passed away 2 years ago. My cousins wife Kasia, is also fighting cancer for the past few years. Recently, I also found out my best friend from college Ania, has breast cancer and is undergoing treatment. In the current situation we are all in, those people are in a higher risk group. I can’t imagine how they are feeling right now? I wanted to give something back to all the brave, strong people in my family to whom are battling what seems to be an undefeatable enemy. Cancer thinks it’s winning rounds? It may think it’s won a fight? It may think it’s winning a battle? But guess what? You’ll NEVER win the war- Cancer!!! Check mate!!! Please, give anything you can to support me. My hair is going to be donated to charity. Anything little to you, is a lot to others. Thank you so much for your time and support. Without people we are nothing. I hope you can help with some donation ... please support me Big love and hugs xxxxxx Karolina #bravetoshave
48 supporters so far